
It’s not always easy to help kids understand that they can learn and to find different approaches which help each of them learn based on their own learning style. Remember children learn in unique ways.

John International English Medium School

Experienced Teaching Professionals

John International English Medium School faculty members are numerous things. Above all, our teachers are enthusiastic about what they do and are dedicated to the success of every student.

Our Core Strength

Feel free to explore our core skills


One of the basic skills of our school is adaptability. We mainly focus on this soft skill that enables our kids to rapidly learn new skills and behaviour in response to changing circumstances. As a result our students happily embrace challenges and prepare themselves as a leader.

Classroom Management

Every teacher is unique - they have their own strategies and style to manage classrooms. Some skills that we pause are critical thinking, communication, collaboration, creativity and so on. This helps our students stay connected to their teachers throughout the class.

Active Listening

Active listening is where both teachers and students are listening to each other more deeply and closely for true understanding. Through this strategy we build strong bonding among students and teachers.

Emotional and Physical Health

We believe mental health is equally important as physical health. We treat each and every student equally for their emotional wellness which is tied to physical health. Our kids never experience any discrimination here.

Imaginative thinking

We encourage our students to have and show an ability to think of new and interesting ideas. Intellectual imagination encourages our students to think out of the box.

Effective Communication

When communication is effective, it leaves both students and teachers satisfied and feeling accomplished. We ensure 5c's of communication. Communication should be clear, concise, concrete , correct and complete. There is no room for misunderstanding.

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